Portmore Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Shimla, has been declared as t
he First Girls Model Senior Secondary School in the State keeping in view its outstanding academic and extra curricular achievements by HimachalChief Minister while addressing the teachers and students of the school today. He dedicated a multi-storeyed modern complex, consisting of best furnished ultra modern multipurpose hall constructed in any educational institution in the state to facilitate single shift schooling completed at a cost of Rs. 4.50 crore to the students of the school.
Chief Minister said that Portmore school had maintained its excellent academic, sports, extra curricular activities track record and brought laurel to the institution and the state and had emerged as a source of inspiration to rest of the educational institutions which qualified the institution to be declared as a Model.
Virbhadra Singh said that girls studying in various government educational institutions had been excelling on all fronts and winning merit at state and national level which confirmed the hard labour girl students had been putting in their academic pursuits.
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Portmore Government Girls Senior Secondary School Shimla,
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